BLISS International School

Add New Registration

Registration Number : Registration Date : *
1. Student Details
Academic Session :
Class Group : Photo Image :
First Name : *
Middle Name :
Last Name : *
Date Of Birth : *
Gender : Nationality :
Residential Address : *
Country :
State : City :
Zip Postal : Aadharcard No/Passport No :
Category : Student Strength/Achievements :
Information Source : Fee Category :
Specially Abled : :
Prospectus/SRN No : Family ID :
2. Details of School Last Attended
Name of School : Previous Grade Attended :
Address of the School : Previous Result :
Affiliation Board :
3. Parent Details
Father's Name : Mother's Name :
Father's Contact Numbers : *
Mother's Contact Numbers : *
Father's Email Address : Mother's Email Address :
Residential Address : Residential Address :
Occupation : Occupation :
Official Address : Official Address :
Father's Adharcard No : Mother's Adharcard No :
4. Details of Siblings (If any studying in school)
Name Brother/Sister Grade/Section Admission no.